Often, depression is linked to anxiety. If you are anxious about the world around you, you will feel less equipped to handle it. Feeling unequipped, like you are “not enough”, means that you will do less healthy, exciting things. It can also mean you will begin to think negative thoughts about yourself. And so the depressed cycle starts. Reducing anxiety can significantly reduce depression. A recent study showed that 78% of people preferred a weighted blanket as a technique for handling anxiety. (2)
Try a weighted blanket, weighted lap pad, or weighted throw. It’s a simple, effective way to begin to reverse the effects of depression.
1. Major Depression Among Adults, National Institute of Mental Health. www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/major-depression-among-adults.shtml. In-text.
2. Exploring the Safety and Therapeutic Effects of Deep Pressure Stimulation Using a Weighted Blanket. Brian Mullen BS, Tina Champagne MEd, OTR/L, Sundar Krishnamurty PhD, Debra Dickson APRN, BC & Robert X. Gao PhD. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Vol. 24 , Iss. 1,2008